BWF Envirotec Services
Installation of your baghouse

The BWF Envirotec Service Team will install your filter bags, professionally and on schedule. We install filter bags for a wide variety of applications.

BWF Envirotec installation service for baghouse manufacturers

Installation of filter bags - especially with ePTFE membranes - requires qualified personnel. Our installation teams receive intensive training before each assignment and are familiarised with the specific conditions, ensuring that your filters achieve maximum efficiency and service life.

BWF Envirotec installation service for baghouse

You can also rely on our experienced team when exchanging filter bags. Equivalent filters are replaced quickly and smoothly during inspection, keeping your filter system's downtime as brief as possible.

BWF Envirotec installation service for an optimised dust removal process

We check the entire baghouse as well as the filter bag and supporting cage, then decide together with you how best to ensure your baghouse continued optimal operation. We can advise you on the adaptation of the filter media or on the adapted manufacture of the filter bags. Operating parameters can then be adapted to the new conditions. As a matter of course, we work with state-of-the-art control units.

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