BWF Feltec is the leading manufacturer
of classic wool felt as well as needle felts made of natural and synthetic fibres

125 years of fascination with felt. BWF Feltec offers a unique variety of products and function-enhancing finishing options for wool and needle felts. While we primarily produce for the fashion and furnishing industries, we also produce felt for numerous technical applications.

Welcome to the world of felt
An overview of our products and materials

Cross-industry competence
The range of services at the BWF Group

Our responsibility
Sustainability statement of the BWF Group

Our employees are the basis of our success. What does this mean for us as BWF Group? Education as the basis of professional development. What do we understand by this? We are committed to social partnership in the long term. How do we put this into practice? We take responsibility for our natural resources. What exactly do we do here? You can find the answers in our sustainability statement on the topics of employees, education, society and the environment.

To the sustainability statement

News & Dates

BWF Feltec career chances team

Quality means teamwork
You can only become a market leader if you have the best employees.

BWF Group is a reliable partner to its over 1,800 employees around the world. Our employees see to it that we set standards - time and again. Join our team! Be part of the Group.

Careers at BWF Group
Ansprechpartner weltweit

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BWF Feltec
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