Plastic profiles, sheets, optical foils, tubes and thermoformed parts for lighting, displays, technical applications, medical engineering, etc.
In recognition for his outstanding entrepreneurial and honorary activities, he was awarded the Federal Cross of Merit by the Bavarian Minister of…
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Learn more about our standard program and benefit from no tooling costs. Linear lighting, with or without prismatics, coloured, coiled on rolls - from…
The perfect solution for your interior lighting. The innovative combination package: Our 1.5 mm BWF diamondPRISM® sheet with an inlay diffused foil.
There are two big HIGHLIGHTS this year. Our 125 years anniversary and our BWF LIKE+ app. Now the whole BWF Group world can use our app. It will…
New in our portfolio since March 2021: BWF diamondPRISM® sheet in 1.5 mm
Combining longitudinal lenses, following the line of the luminaire, and an embossed structure contrary to the extrusion direction results in your…
We are starting our anniversary year.
This year will be a special year for BWF Group. It is our 125th anniversary year. 125 years are just the…
Besides individual plastic products, we offer a wide range of plastic sheets and tubes direct from our storage.
Stefan Offermann has retired from the management of the BWF Group after 37 years. The fourth generation is thus saying goodbye and leaving the field…