BWF Group - the company
Family business in its fifth generation

The BWF Group is an owner-managed group of companies with headquarters in Offingen, Bavaria. With 1,800 employees at 16 production sites worldwide, we set international standards through innovation, expertise and commitment. We stay close to the market, offering excellent flexibility and highly efficient decision paths for our customers.

Our product range is divided into four divisions that act independently in their respective markets. We are a leading manufacturer of textile filter media for industrial dedusting, high-quality plastic products, technical felt materials and wool felts.

BWF Group. Regionally Based World Leaders.

Read all about the BWF Group in our image brochure

independently active
in total
production sites

Individual solutions at the highest level of quality have always been our goal. 125 years are just the beginning!

Our divisions
We are a leading manufacturer in the following areas

BWF Envirotec Industrial Filter

BWF Envirotec
Filter media for industrial dedusting

We Care for Clean Air.

​BWF Envirotec​​​ is the world's leading supplier of filter media for dedusting, product filtration, solid and liquid separation. Our products are used in power plants, waste incineration plants, as well as in the cement and steel industries. Drawing on over 50 years of experience in research, development and application, we optimise our customers' exhaust air filtration systems. We guarantee compliance with the statutory fine dust limits, and help to minimise energy consumption.

BWF Protec
High-tech needle felts for technical applications

Technical Needle Felts for Innovative Solutions.

Working from its site in Hof (Bavaria), BWF Protec​​​ develops and produces technical needle felts as yard goods, endless belts as well as round needled and individually manufactured products. Whether it is fire, heat or work protection, transportation systems, insulation or cleaning - our use of various fibre qualities and production techniques allows us to offer unsurpassed flexibility. Our products are characterised by their high temperature and chemical resistance, as well as abrasion and cut resistance.

Technical felt BWF Protec
Farbiger Wollfilz von BWF Feltec

BWF Feltec
High-quality wool felt for a variety of applications

Traditional Wool Felt Meets Innovative Design.

For over 120 years, ​BWF Feltec​ has been a leading manufacturer of classic wool felt. Our product portfolio includes acoustic products, undercollar felts, coloured felt, design felts and technical felts. With a wide range of products, we are active in a variety of sectors, from fashion, lifestyle and interior design to health and music.

BWF Profiles
Extruded and thermoformed parts

Ideas Turn into Profiles.

​BWF Profiles​​ has been developing and producing high-quality plastic profiles, tubes, sheets and optical foils since 1956. The production of thermoformed and injection-moulded parts rounds off our range. Using the latest technology, we can solve even extraordinary tasks. Among other fields, our products find use in lighting, illuminated advertising, POS/display, as well as with various technical applications.

BWF Profiles Plastic Profile

Join us in the exciting world of filtration and plastic extrusion
Our corporate movies

Corporate movie bwf profiles

Take a trip in the world of plastic extrusion
BWF Profiles corporate movie

An exciting look at the BWF Profiles company and the creation of a high-quality plastic profile from the customer's request, through product development, prototyping, tool design, color lab, plastic extrusion, machining to the finished end product ...

BWF Envirotec Unternehmensfilm

Welcome to the world of filtration
BWF Envirotec corporate movie

Join us in the exciting world of industrial filtration and take a look at our BWF Envirotec division.

Career chances worldwide team

About us
as an employer

Our identity as a family business is reflected not only in how we work, but also in how we interact with each other. Community is a lived value here, independent of location or division.

Career at the BWF Group

The BWF Group
Learn more about us