
Produzione sostenibile di piante: Substrato a base di lana di pecora per sostituire la torba in orticoltura
Progetto di sviluppo con l'Università di Scienze Applicate di Hof

Il progetto “NaWaruN” sta studiando substrati sostenibili per la produzione di piante. BWF Protec è il partner industriale del progetto.

Piantine in piccoli vasi di coltivazione.

Sustainable Plant Production
Substrate made from sheep's wool to replace peat in horticulture

In a new research project, Hof University of Applied Sciences is developing innovative, sustainable substrates for plant production. Under the direction of Dr Harvey Harbach, a research team with regional and industrial partners is investigating how sheep's wool, as a natural material, can replace peat and plastic in vegetable seedling production.

In the ‘NaWaruN’ project, a substrate is being developed for direct use in commercial systems, such as vegetable production. The goal: sustainable, resource-saving and regionally available materials.

We are the industrial partner of the Hof University of Applied Sciences and contribute wool fleece for further round needling.

Here is the link to the complete article:
Campuls - Sustainable Plant Production