
37 Years Stefan Offermann
"An exciting time that I enjoyed very much."

Stefan Offermann has retired from the management of the BWF Group after 37 years. The fourth generation is thus saying goodbye and leaving the field to the fifth generation.

BWF Group Management Retirement Stefan Offermann

Stefan Offermann on his retirement

At the end of 2020, I retired from operational activities, but for corporate law reasons I will remain personally liable until the middle of September 2021. My 37 years in the company have brought much joy, enrichment, have been rewarding, were challenging and always interesting which is why there was never a dull moment.

The succession in the fifth generation is optimally regulated with Dr. Philipp v. Waldenfels and my son Maximilian. Both understand the values we live by and what defines our BWF spirit.

With best wishes for the future, I would like to thank all customers, suppliers, business partners and friends for their support and trust they have placed in us.

Your Stefan Offermann