Optimise your baghouse
with the BWF Envirotec Service Team

BWF Envirotec is a reliable partner when it comes to professionally optimising your baghouse. Targeted optimisation measures can lead to a significant increase in filter system performance. BWF Envirotec supports its customers with select optimisation packages. This means your baghouse will always work both cost-effectively and reliably within legally prescribed limits.

Filter bag refurbishment by BWF Envirotec

If your filter bags are still technically functional but filter resistance has increased due to a one-time event, the solution may be to refurbish the filter bags. Our experts perform a detailed analysis of your filter. On the basis of the parameters determined, we decide with you whether refurbishment is an option, and then work together to determine the next steps.

Your advantages:

  • No purchase of new filter bags required, as the installed filter bag is reprocessed directly in the filter system
  • Extension of the filter bags' service life, for bridging until the next inspection
  • Short production downtime, if cleaning can be carried out during regular online operation
  • Cost saving
  • Operational safety

Flow analysis and CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics)
as exclusive services from BWF Envirotec

This service module from BWF Envirotec ensures the efficiency of your baghouse.

Services from BWF Envirotec in this area include:

  • Measurement, analysis and evaluation of the flow behaviour of filter bags under operating conditions
  • CFD simulation of the cleaning process
  • Documentation with recommendations for action steps and before and after analysis

To complete this service, we recommend a comprehensive filter bag and dust analysis, including a lab report.

With BWF Envirotec, your filter system is always in top shape. Our flow analysis and CFD simulation tests help you get the most out of your filtration process.

BWF Envirotec flow measurement cfd simulation

A special advantage

  • Flow measurement and CFD simulation can be obtained either separately, or as a combination package.
  • Implementation is performed on site by our service team.
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