Filtech 2023 Trade Fair, February 14-16, Cologne, Germany
BWF Envirotec on the world's largest filtration trade fair
For 3 days our filtration solutions were the focus of the Filtech trade fair. The global booth team from our locations Offingen, Ahlen, Izmir, Myslowice, Barcelona, Melbourne and Caronno had the pleasure to welcome numerous customers from Germany and abroad at our booth.

System solutions for industrial dust collection
Our new product line needlona® BLUE - the filter medium for a reduced CO2 footprint - had its premiere at the booth. Likewise, our customized products for industrial dust collection, our service offerings and air-conditioning filters were sought-after topics in the consultation discussions.
With 438 exhibitors and 16,750 attendees over three days, FILTECH 2023 sent a strong signal for the continued growth of the global filtration and separation industry.
The professionals came from 80 nations and all continents. FILTECH was again an intercultural experience and a unique platform for exhibitors.
A big thank you to all our business partners who visited our booth and learned about our filtration solutions and services.