
Pensioners' Reunion 2023
Coffee & Cake at the Kameradschaftshaus

Our employees are our most important resource, which is why we maintain contact with them even in retirement.

BWF Group Pensioners' Meeting 2023

Our pensioners' meeting takes place every 5 years at the Offingen site

This year, almost 190 former employees were invited for coffee and cake. On 23 May 2023, a total of 80 pensioners, some managers and the Chairman of the Works Council took their seats in the "Kameradschaftshaus".

How has the BWF Group progressed since the last pensioners' meeting in 2018?
The management presented the highlights of the individual years. Following the coffee hour, there was the opportunity to take a tour of the company to see the Service and Technology Centre, which was completed in 2019, and BWF Envirotec with its new production hall.

The mood was good and the retirees enjoyed seeing former colleagues again.