
Jubilee celebration with festive dinner
Thank you for 25 and 40 years with BWF Group

Our success has many faces. Recently, we honoured our most loyal employees at a festive 4-course dinner at our headquarters in Offingen.

jubilarians 2023

Long years of service are an important success factor for the BWF Group

With very personal words, the management congratulated the colleagues who were celebrating their 25th and 40th anniversaries at the German locations in 2022. In total, 7 jubilarians could look back on 40 years and 16 jubilarians on 25 BWF years. The honourees from BWF Protec and BWF Thermoforms also travelled to the event. We are very grateful for the extraordinary perseverance and much appreciated loyalty of the honoured jubilarians! Long years of service are a very important success factor for the BWF Group.

jubilarians 2023 festive dinner
jubilarians 2023 decorations
jubilarians 2023 festive decorations